
Interview with Malaysian Men’s Star Vernon

It’s been 8 years now since I’ve played dodgeball. I discovered dodgeball at my university which was UCSI. We won the National championship and we were headed to the World competitions in New Zealand back in 2013 until now. This is my 5th year representing Malaysia.

2 – Any highlights from your international career? Best games etc?

I would say the Dodgeball World Cup 2016 in Manchester City, the semifinal game against wales. We were down by a lot of points and left with not much time, but we were able to pull through and make a comeback together with my awesome teammates.

3 – The Malaysian dodgeball team are known as incredibly hard workers both on and off the dodgeball court. As a coach how have you managed to instil this attitude into your teams?

Yes! As a coach hard work is very important for me. We all love playing dodgeball and I always tell them “It all depends on how bad you want it. Reach for it, it’s yours” The efforts and memories will stay.

4 – Malaysia are going into this tournament as one of the favourites, as opposed to 2016 when you were relatively unknown underdogs. How has this change of perception been viewed by the players?

It will definitely be more competitive this year as other countries will have their eye on Malaysia as we made an impact as the underdogs. But we work hard every time and all we have to do is give it our all on the day itself.

5 – What’s your workout routine and training like in preparation for the 2018 Dodgeball World Cup? Any tips you can lend to aspiring dodgeball players?

We train 4 times a week and on other times some of us hit the gym on the non-training days. To be able to balance work and trainings is hard but as for tips for any dodgeballers out there, it may sound tiring but if you love to play dodgeball and you are willing to go far you will put in the effort. Again it all depends on how bad you want it. Effort matters! 

6 – How does it feeling knowing that in a few days you’ll be playing in one of the most famous stadiums in the world, Madison Square Garden?

I’ve always seen NBA players, MMA fighters, Boxers play in Madison Square Garden. Who knew I would be able to represent my country for the Dodgeball World Cup at Madison Square Garden, it’s still a dream for me.

7 – One of the core beliefs of the Asian Dodgeball Federation is our #StrongerTogether campaign. So we’d love for you to share your thoughts on who you believe some of the best players in Asia-Pacific are. Who should we be looking out for?

It takes a team to win in a game of dodgeball but Ryan Watson, McGillivray, Desmond Onwumere and so many more players that do stand out during the Asia Pacific Championships.

8- Any predictions for Malaysia at the World Cup? Can Malaysia win all three categories like at APC2017?

Of course the aim is to be crowned champions in all categories. It’s been 2 years since the last World Cup and I am pretty sure all the other countries that qualified for this year’s Dodgeball World Cup has put in loads of work into training. It will definitely be competitive this time but we are prepared and all we need to do is do our best and do our country proud.

9- How do you think the other Asia-Pacific nations will go at the World Cup? Any nation you’d like to single out for being a favourite 

for success on this stage?

This time it would be really competitive so it will be interesting to see how the countries do and how much they have evolved over the past 2 years. Australia has always been successful on the international stage an awesome team.

Lastly some fun questions!

10- Where is the best place to eat in Malaysia? And what’s your favourite Malaysian dish?

Sabah represent! S.E.A.F.O.O.D.

11- Which country in Asia-Pacific has the best food? Which dish is the best?

Malaysia for life. But hey am open to being proven wrong


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