Vision & Mission

“Connecting Individuals to Communities”

“Dodgeball as the #1 Community Sport Recognized Professionally Worldwide”

“To Promote and Develop Dodgeball as a Holistic Sport by Infusing and upholding its Values in society”


More than a sport, we believe dodgeball is a means to get youth and people back together to enjoy playing with friends and meeting new people, something that has become less common in today’s society, and is one of the primary concerns of our current generation.

With the formation of each dodgeball team and our active community involvement, it brings us closer to realising our dream. We see dodgeball as a sport that everyone can enjoy and excel in, with an ability to compete at high performance and international level regardless of a player’s physical attributes, race, economic and / or financial capabilities. Additionally, we also see dodgeball as a sport that can contribute towards values, formation and community development.

Through these measures, we believe that in addition to our development of competitive dodgeball, we also create positive impacts all the way through to the grassroots level, giving back to society by acting as a catalyst for strengthening the community spirit.